Popular Cuisine in Dominican Republic
The Delisious Cuisine
Dominican cuisine is a mixture of multiple cultures all tied into one. French,Spanish and african foods all have things in common with dominican food.The most popular dishes in the Dominican Republic all include rice. The Dominican Republic's dishes all look extremely delicious, each dish has carbs, protein and veggies in different forms.The Dominican Republic mainly focuses on their lunches, this meal is the most important meal to them of the day. The Dominican has spanish descent and a lot of the food relates to that just like their language which is spanish. Most of the food that is in the Dominican cuisine has things like meat, seafood and grains. The most used grain in the Dominican is rice, it is almost served with everything. Most of the foods in the Dominican have rice and beef or pork especially pork because that is what they farm in the Dominican. There are many dishes in the Dominican cuisine that come from other places around the world that they have called their own. There are also many beverages that are popular in the Dominican like eggnog which is popular in Canada as well this is mostly popular at christmas time. Fruit smoothies are also very popular in the dominican as well as alcoholic beverages which most people drink by the beach. There are many different and delicious looking foods that come from Dominican Republic and if you happen to visit you must try as many as you can.